CISS acknowledges the significant work carried out by the Medical and Allied Health professions in relation to the prevention and treatment of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
It supports this effort by specialising in evaluative research, analysing the statistical validity (both absolute and relative) of published, evidence based medical research and by presenting findings in a meaningful and understandable format to the lay public. Principally, to determine if claims made are consistent with the evidence presented and actual epidemiological outcomes. Equally, CISS conducts evaluative research on evidence based, alternative approaches to cancer treatment and explores alternative cancer paradigms.
From a philosophical perspective, CISS champions and advocates an approach of no harm, whilst optimising quality of life. CISS fully supports effective pain management techniques and palliative care for cancer patients, when a curative approach is no longer an option.
When evaluative research findings by CISS are not consistent with claims made in current published medical research and/or in the information given to the public by the Medical, Allied Health Care professions and Government Health (Screening) Programs, CISS is obligated under its mission to place its findings in the public domain for serious debate and challenge. CISS is further obligated, to make every possible effort to inform the Media, ensuring that public awareness of the issues at hand are given maximum publicity and that the public is given an opportunity to participate with questions and feedback.
CISS understands that its evaluative research, information and advocacy role may be considered adversarial or controversial by some but the organisation makes every effort possible to carry out its role in a non-partisan professional manner. CISS apologises upfront for any discomfort this might cause, as it only seeks to support a perpetually improving cancer prevention and treatment paradigm.
In 2005 the Australian Senate called for submissions to an inquiry into the provision of “services and treatment options for persons with cancer”. CISS provided one of the largest submissions – 68 pages – and summarised the poor evidence for most conventional treatments and the problems people with cancer faced when trying to get access to safe and effective alternative cancer therapies. In that submission CISS questioned the validity of the conventional cancer paradigm and advocated an investigation into the ways of overcoming this problem, including changing particular laws that resulted in particular agencies suppressing safe and effective alternative cancer therapies. Read more
CISS – Current Research
The Doctor Laurence Cox Alternative Cancer Paradigm Project: With an estimated one in three of all Australians affected by cancer during their life-time, and cancer the second leading cause of death worldwide, it appears that the current paradigm of cancer prevention and treatment is lacking. As effective prevention and treatment rely on an understanding of what causes a disease, the lack of success may be due to an inaccurate view of cancer causation. Therefore, CISS is undertaking research to address cancer at a causal level through the development of an evidence-based paradigm and treatment program. Read More