
Welcome to the e-Library, a user-friendly and unique research & information facility for individuals diagnosed with cancer and other degenerative diseases.

To access the library you will need to register as a member, providing basic contact details (i.e. name, e-mail address, postcode and country) and pay a yearly renewable CISS Membership Fee online. All library publications are subject to copyright restrictions but can be accessed via the website at any time, on a read only basis. Downloading a publication to copy is strictly forbidden, unless clearly stated otherwise. Under International Copyright Law (2014) and the Australian Copyright Act (1968 – 2006), significant penalties apply to individuals for breach of copyright.

Publications in the e-Library are classified under category of degenerative disease (e.g. Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimers, etc). The e-Library Index can be searched by Author, Title, Publication Date, ISBN Number and Key Word.

Should a particular publication not be available in the e-Library, you are welcome to email us and provide publication details. CISS will endeavor to acquire the publication for the library, subject to available funds. Please note, that all requests are evaluated by the CISS librarian, before recommendations are made to the Managing Committee for purchase.

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