
Welcome to the CISS Newsletters that are published every two months. In our newsletter, we aim to bring you items of interest, current cancer research updates and electronic links and references to well-researched articles on treatment and recovery. The newsletter will not shy away from potentially controversial issues but will endeavor at all times to provide references and acknowledge the sources of the information. The spectrum of articles published is wide and ranges from evidence-based to purely speculative. Each article is clearly classified, accordingly.

The CISS newsletter is available to members only and published in a print version and also online. A link to the current newsletter is emailed to members who choose this option on date of publication. Previous newsletters are accessible to members via the Newsletter Archive on the CISS website. If you wish to be included in the newsletter publication list, please register as a member.

Newsletter Archive

To access a particular publication, members simply click on the desired publication date. Additionally, the Search function in the Newsletter Archive will find articles on a particular topic.

Invitation to participate

Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles (including references) for inclusion in the CISS Newsletter. Each submission will be considered on its merit by the CISS Editorial Committee, which retains ultimate responsibility for content

By Weis / September 13, 2019

July/August 2019

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