CISS is a membership based not-for-profit Society, which depends on donations, bequests and grants for its survival. All funds received are untied, unless specifically solicited & accepted in response to a particular need approved by the CISS Governing Committee, a priori. CISS financial statements clearly indicate sources of funding, are audited by an Independent External Auditor (appointed at the Annual General Meeting) and published annually, online.
Financial Statements:
Donations & Bequests
CISS is an organisation run by a small team of modestly paid staff, supported by a group of dedicated volunteers. The organisation survives primarily on donations and bequests, with a small percentage of income received from membership subscriptions and events organised throughout the year. Every donation and bequest, great and small is valued! Recent bequests are acknowledged on the CISS Tree of Life, including their purpose.
Please make a donation online (see Donate button below), by mail or telephone (02 99062189).
Should you wish to make a bequest, please contact the Convenor or General Manager on (02) 9906 2189 to arrange a meeting. CISS can assist with a free Will & Bequest service via a solicitor of your choice.
Thank you for assisting individuals diagnosed with cancer!
Selwyn Garwell
CISS Convenor
CISS acknowledges the following recent generous bequests from:
Jessie Barrie Speight (2020) ~ $720,000
Purpose: To enable its continuation in carrying out its charitable activities
Dr Laurence Cox (2017) – $32,446
Purpose: The Doctor Laurence Cox Alternative Cancer Paradigm Project
Leslie Alexander Storey (2016) –$1,017,672
Purpose: Investment to ensure CISS’ financial long-term viability
To make donations please email or call our office on [email protected] or (02) 9906 2189